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Oral care ingredients

Ingredients for Oral care

Lipidure®, which is cell membrane like polymer, prevents the adhesion of bacteria that cause dental caries, and protects mucosal cells of mouth from the toxicity of periodontal bacteria. Furthermore, Lipidure® suppresses bitterness in mouth. Lipidure is a very useful ingredient for toothpaste or mouthwash.


    Prevention of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease with Lipidure
    Lipidure prevents tooth decay and gum disease. Suppressing the adhesion of bacteria that cause dental caries (S. mutans) using Lipidure®
    Lipidure® suppresses the adhesion of dental caries bacteria to hydroxyapatite, main component of tooth enamel. Lipidure® is very useful for tooth paste or mouth wash to prevent tooth decay.

    Lipidure® treatment to a hydroxyapatite plate

    The figure shows that applying the Lipidure® treatment to a hydroxyapatite plate for more than 30 seconds suppresses the formation of biofilm to about 40%.

    Formation of biofilm reduction

    Bacteria that cause dental caries produces biofilm for control, but the figure shows that applying the Lipidure® treatment for more than 30 seconds reduces the formation of biofilm.

    Test procedure

    1. Treated hydroxyapatite plate with saliva and washed it with water.
    2. Dipped the plate into 1 mL of Lipidure® and 1 mL of water for 30 seconds or 10 minutes.
    3. Washed the plate with water again.
    4. Added precultured S. mutans, which was incubated at 37°C in anaerobic condition, and washed the plate with saline.
    5. Observed S. mutans that have adhered to the hydroxyapatite plate using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and measured the number of bacteria.

    Protecting mucosal cell from the toxicity of periodontal disease bacteria

    Lipiudure® protects the mucosal cell from the toxicity of priodontal bacteria. Lipidure® is very useful for tooth paste or mouth wash to prevent pyorrhea.

    A higher bar indicates higher toxicity. As the concentration of Lipidure® increases, the toxicity decreases.

    Test procedure

    1. Cultured gingival epithelial cells.
    2. Dipped the cell into Lipidure® and saline for 30 seconds.
    3. Washed it with saline again.
    4. Added the toxin of periodontal disease bacteria (PgLPS).
    5. Measured the interleukin-8 (IL-8).